Applied BioMath

Applied Biomath is a leading mathematical modeling company specializing in helping biotech and pharmaceutical companies optimize drug development strategies.

Applied BioMath (ABM) was looking for a team of Drupal specialists who could work closely with, almost like an extension of, their own team to execute various company website and marketing efforts. We had the privilege of collaborating with Applied Biomath, on this transformative website redesign project. Our goal was to revamp their online platform to reflect their cutting-edge services and establish a more vibrant and engaging digital presence.

Wireframing & Prototyping
UX + Design
D7 to D9 Migration
home page

Our collaboration with Applied Biomath was driven by a commitment to infuse their online presence with creativity and innovation. Leveraging our expertise in web design and branding, we embarked on a journey to reimagine their website with a fresh, human-centric approach. We introduced organic shapes and vibrant colors to add a personal touch to their software solutions, fostering a sense of connection and accessibility.

In addition to a visually stunning redesign, we focused on enhancing user engagement through thoughtful microinteractions. These subtle animations and dynamic elements were strategically implemented to delight users and elevate their browsing experience. From interactive hover effects to intuitive navigation cues, each microinteraction was designed to captivate and delight visitors, making their journey through the website more enjoyable and memorable.

icon designs
component driven design

Applied Biomath presented us with unique challenges that demanded tailored solutions. We embraced these challenges with enthusiasm, designing and implementing custom features to meet their specific needs. From integrating advanced functionality to accommodating unique design elements, we ensured that the website aligned seamlessly with Applied Biomath's vision and values, fostering a sense of authenticity and innovation.

A pivotal aspect of the project was the development of a dynamic knowledge hub, serving as a centralized repository for valuable resources, insights, and industry expertise. This new addition to Applied Biomath's digital ecosystem empowered users to access comprehensive information, stay informed about industry trends, and deepen their understanding of mathematical modeling in drug development.

mobile design
responsive mobile design
andvanced search feature