The Cold Noses Foundation

One Cloud Media partners with The Cold Noses Foundation to help prevent animal suffering around the world.

UX + Design
Project Management

Discover why The Cold Noses Foundation partners with One Cloud Media and how we leverage Drupal to provide them with the ability to raise funds for life-saving veterinary care, outreach and emergency relief programs.

The Cold Noses Foundation website assists in sourcing funds for animal rescue services based in the US as well as around the globe with a few major issues. Their website wasn’t reaching the global audience it was intended for: It was non-responsive. The other major issue for the foundation is that it was difficult to update content.

They needed a new site based on a Content Management System (CMS). A few other objectives were to allow users to review applicable grant guidelines, submit their grant, and then check on the status. As for donations, CNF wanted a simple way to accept them on every page of their site.

CNF needed to completely redesign their website to give them a new look and feel but also to make the website responsive (meaning the content reflowed to fit the screen size and orientation of the device being used to view the content).

We provided them with a content management system which was based on open source technology. The CMS is easy enough for non-technical staff to update the site at will – and the fact it was based on open source technology meant any additional functionality CNF might need in the future would most likely be achievable at minimal cost (something very important to cash-conscious nonprofit organizations).

As for accepting donations, their preferred payment processor did not automatically function properly with their payment gateway. This feature needed additional custom coding to make the request possible (a task significantly harder than it sounds given the fact their payment processor was a non-US-based company).

Through custom coding, CNF got everything they wanted and more! CNF now has a website which not only gives them a new presence in the competitive arena of donations collection but their site now effectively reaches their intended audience.