Medicaid|Medicare|CHIP Services Dental Association

Discover how One Cloud Media executed a seamless migration from M.S.D.A's underperforming WordPress site to create a solid Drupal experience.


M.S.D.A is charged with improving Medicare, Medicaid & CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program) programs by collaborating with key stakeholders, sharing resources & disseminating innovative strategies provide optimal oral health for beneficiaries.

One Cloud Media works with some of the largest, high-profile organizations. It was no surprise when M.S.D.A approached us (on a recommendation from a current client) to migrate their WordPress site to a Drupal 8 application.

M.S.D.A is charged with improving Medicare, Medicaid and CHIP (Childrens Health Insurance Program) programs by collaborating with key stakeholders, sharing resources and disseminating innovative strategies to help provide optimal oral health for all beneficiaries.

Their WordPress site had been stretched to the breaking point. There were so many issues with the application, it was beginning to lose its impact on the main goal of helping to provide optimal oral health strategies for its beneficiaries. The site was slow and had issues with access/role definitions, making it cumbersome for the governments of all 50 US states to answer the questions and to upload data necessary for M.S.D.A. to accomplish their main mission.

The data gathered through this application is consumed by a myriad of users - everyone from local and state governments to the US national government, as well as a large array of profit and non-profit enterprises… and individual researchers. In other words, many organizations and individuals rely on this information to formulate and optimize medical plans for every state in the US.

Create a highly customized Drupal 8 application for the MSDA National Profile of State Medicaid and CHIP Oral Health Programs. The legacy system was a WordPress site which had been stretched beyond breaking point. 

We started this project with a blank piece of paper and worked towards creating a solution which achieved business objectives and exceeded the expectations of MSDA’s user base.

We are a Drupal agency, but at this stage of the project we don’t even think about Drupal. Heck, at this point, we don’t even really know if Drupal is the best platform on which to build the solution. The discovery phase starts by thoroughly analyzing the needs of the project and culminates in a documented blueprint of what needs to be done in order to deliver. 

M.S.D.A. surveys all 50 states (and DC) and publishes this resource of national, regional and state program information and data. The collection includes specific program characteristics, policies, administrative practices, provider networks, benefit and payment structures and other key areas of interest.

State representatives login to a secure administration portal and answer an extremely detailed survey questionnaire. The submitted data then passes through validation checks and goes through an additional manual approval process by M.S.D.A. staff. M.S.D.A. staff and state representatives walk through the resulting survey and refine the data, if required.

Custom algorithms are used to convert the data into information which is presented to the public in the form of national, regional, and state reports.

We built custom entities to manage the vast amounts of data which needs to be entered, validated, and persisted. This data is then passed through several custom Drupal 8 modules to convert the raw data into meaningful information at the national, regional, and state level. The information which M.S.D.A. is able to present via this Drupal web application is unique and provides extremely valuable insight into the state of the nation’s dental health programs.