
While age old traditions may prevail in some areas of education, your online presence isn't one of them. In order to overcome challenges and compete in a saturated industry your institution must become a living, breathing digital platform that not only engages users but offers them a seamless user experience.

With Drupal, your digital customization opportunities are endless - which is why over 70% of the top universities around the world are powered by Drupal.

higher education solutions

Solutions for Higher Education

At One Cloud Media we specialize in creating custom solutions to address major challenges that educational institutions face. By utilizing proven technical solutions we reduce development costs and time, while giving each education-industry client a unique voice and look and feel so each school captures the essence of the school body.

More importantly, our work allows your school to engage audiences and deliver business results that map to each school’s goals.

Why Drupal is Better for Education


We pride ourselves on providing complete visibility into the successes, and sometimes failures, of each and every project. And we communicate these aspects both internally, and externally, in an open, honest manner.

Ease of Use

One of most attractive features of Drupal is that you can retain the ability to update your content without having to call on a developers each time you create a new piece of content. This provides both ease of use and cost control benefits.


Drupal solves challenge of slow performance and loading speeds on content heavy sites; providing your viewers the best experience possible.


Drupal boasts the highest security standards in the industry and is the reason why companies like ABS-CBM News, NCAA, Infusionsoft, Georgetown University and the City of Los Angeles (just to name a few) trust Drupal to power their brands.


Drupal's UI & UX tools and modules help developers create personalized, interactive, and targeted experiences. Like the ability to translate your site or have the language displayed shift depending on the user’s geographic location.


Drupal is completely customizable enabling your business to adapt to sudden changes and disruptions in your unique market or industry.